World Physiotherapy COVID-19 Information Hub

World Physiotherapy, the sole international voice of Physiotherapy, represents more than 660,000 Physiotherapists worldwide, through 125 member organisations. World Physiotherapy provides a COVID-19 information hub that includes a sub-section on Long COVID.

Within the World Physiotherapy Long COVID information hub, people are signposted to Long COVID Physio and our work, including podcasts, resources, peer support and Physiopedia information on Long COVID.

One year after the World Health organization declared COVID-19 a global pandemic, World Physiotherapy released a report on the impact of COVID-19 on Physiotherapy services globally. This report includes Long COVID, with reference to the work of Long COVID Physio.

Long COVID Physio are grateful for the support and allyship of World Physiotherapy, involving and engaging the experiences of Physiotherapists living with Long COVID around the world.


Six lessons for COVID-19 rehabilitation from HIV rehabilitation